Uncle Bob at Uganda International Trade Fair (UGITF)

In an effort to further reach Uncle Bob’s audience, the marketing team organized a 5-day activation run at the annual Uganda International Trade Fair (UGITF) 2023 organized by the Uganda Manufacturers Association. UGITF is the premier business development event in East Africa which offers an opportunity to showcase products and engage with customers. The engagement registered success based on the following objectives; Generate brand awareness of the app, onboard early adopters, Drive downloads and first-time transactions on the Uncle Bob app, Gather insights and improve public perception about the services offered by the app as well as get feedback from early users to help improve user experience. For an activation of that scale, customer downloads were in the hundreds and the app was generally met with a positive response from the public with some clarifying that the services offered are unique and vital as they have been previously disappointed with other unprofessional service providers. With such a competitive advantage, Uncle Bob is well on its way to becoming the game changer that the homes and construction service industry urgently needs.


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